It has been a year since the opening of the Hoki Museum, which won the The Japan Institute of Architects' 2011 grand prize and is the first museum in Japan dedicated to realist painting.

To celebrate its anniversary, 60 of the most popular pictures from its archive are being displayed. The images' popularity was gauged by sales of postcards of all the works in the museum and the frequency of media coverage each image garnered; May 25-Nov. 11.

Hoki Museum; (043) 205-500; 3-15, Asumigaoka-Higashi, Midori-ku, Chiba; Toke Station, JR Sotobo Line. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (till 6 p.m. on Wed., Fri. and Sat.) ¥1,500. Closed Tue.