This is the seventh installment of The Itami International Contemporary Jewelry Exhibition, the annual international craft show of The Museum of Arts & Crafts, Itami. This year, around 400 professional and amateur artists — including 87 from 19 overseas countries — submitted 1,700 works to the show. From those, around 470 pieces by 93 artists were chosen to be showcased.

The accessories on display include rings, earrings, bracelets and necklaces that are made from metal, lacquer, ceramic, fabric and paper — and even plants, empty cans and CDs; till Dec. 25.

The Museum of Arts & Crafts, Itami; (072) 772-5557; 2-5-28 Miyanomae, Itami; 9-min. walk northeast of Itami Station, Hankyu Itami Line. Admission free. Closed Mon.; open holidays and closed the following day.