This show features three artists who use iron as the prime material for their works.

Keiji Uematsu (b. 1947) has been traveling back and forth between Germany and Japan, working on his theme on spiral forms. Jun Tsukawaki (b. 1952), who has promoted and supported artistic exchanges between Russia and Japan, uses hammering techniques to create large-scale iron works. Chu Enoki (b. 1944) takes a different approach, accumulating iron scraps to create contemporary installations.

Five works by these three artists are on display in the atrium on the second floor of BB Plaza Museum of Art and in the entrance hall of the first floor of the Shimabun Building, where the BB Plaza Museum of Art is located; till Nov. 23.

BB Plaza Museum of Art; (078) 802-9286; BB Plaza 2F, 4-2-7 Iwaya Nakamachi, Nada-ku, Kobe; near Iwaya Station, Hanshin Honsen Line, or 3-min. walk south of Nada Station, JR Kobe Line. 9 a.m.- 9 p.m. Admission free.