Given enough money, almost any filmmaker could deliver a big, loud, silly popcorn movie about giant alien robots beating the living crap out of each other, but it takes the special talent of director Michael Bay to make such a movie totally repellent.

Bad luck comes in threes, as they say, and "Transformers: Dark of the Moon" proves no exception. Bay takes everything that was awful about the first two films and makes it worse. And longer. And louder.

Where to begin? The product placement for Fox News? The jingoistic opening bit where we learn which Transformer robots are the good guys because they shoot up some Arabic-looking people? Not that any of this is surprising, since Bay consistently liaises with the Pentagon, getting to play with all their expensive war toys in exchange for the military getting "input" on the script. (Bonus points if you guessed there will be a giant robot talking solemnly about defending freedom from tyranny.)