Either the devil is running out of ideas, or he needs some expert coaching from a certain Japanese power company (hint: headquarters in Tokyo). You get a movie with the one-word title "Devil" and almost all that happens is five people getting stuck in an elevator? Pfff.

When the head henchman is less than impressive, you just know that all is not well in the land of hell. Most likely the devil's minions are sleeping on the job, forgetting to stoke the furnace and prod sinners with a pitchfork. They've probably all been laid off and are vacationing in Japan. But I digress.

"Devil" is the first installment in the highly to-doed "The Night Chronicles" of M. Night Shyamalan ("The Sixth Sense," "Unbreakable," "Signs"), in which he acts as story idea generator and producer, while giving young filmmakers a chance to direct. The likely reality is that Shyamalan — hailed as a genius when he gave the world "The Sixth Sense" back in 1999 — has become a bit of an American horror flick version of Luc Besson, who also no longer directs but oversees the proceedings from (one imagines) a large, upholstered executive's chair.