Bringing together a collection of photographs from an impressive lineup of Japanese and international individualistic photographers, this exhibition portrays how images of children during times of war have been used to provoke reaction and emotion in viewers. The range of documentation styles also offers insight into the evolution of war photographers and their work over the decades.

Carefully selected from a collection of more than 26,000 photographs — from World War II to recent times — "Photographs of Children and War" reveals how childhood has had to change in the face of adversity; till July 10.

Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, (03) 3280-0099, Yebisu Garden Place, 1-13-3 Mita, Meguro-ku, Tokyo; 7-min walk from Ebisu Station East Exit, JR Yamanote Line. ¥500. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Closed Mon.