Life as you know it can shatter and change in just a few short minutes — ain't that the truth. For Dr. Martin Harris (Liam Neeson) in "Unknown," the shock comes twofold: Although he can remember his own identity and life prior to his taxi accident, no one else recognizes him — not even his wife.

There goes the doctor, running over to his beloved Elizabeth (January Jones) in the lobby of the Berlin hotel where they had been staying — he runs over to tell her that he's been in an accident but he's all right. That's when she impales his heart with the pointy end of a blue icicle stare and says: "Do I know you?" A second later she's joined by her husband, "Dr. Martin Harris" (Aidan Quinn), and they walk off together in cozy camaraderie.

What the hell just happened? The real Dr. Harris has the rest of the movie to find out, and the more he delves into the mystery of his lost identity, the deeper he wades in a purgatory of black suspicion and bottomless fear.