Japanese omnibus films — collections of similarly themed shorts — were more common a decade or two ago than now. They've always been risky box-office bets, and film distributors want a surer thing in today's fiercely competitive market.

Also, critics invariably lead off their reviews by sniffing that some sections are better than others, which makes the whole film seem rather like a bowl of lumpy oatmeal. That is, not appetizing enough for the investment of ¥1,800.

The comedy omnibus "Sabi Otoko Sabi Onna" (which roughly translates as "Groovy Guys, Groovy Girls") is not one long laugh riot: Some of the four segments are (sniff, sniff) funnier than others. At the same time, the overall talent/quality level is high and the end result is a blissed-out feeling, as though the film has been massaging the stress out of your brain.