A nation or territory can often be defined by its musical tradition. From Hawaii to Scotland to Africa, the sounds people produce allow them to express their cultural identity.

The orchestra was created in Europe, and over the centuries it has charted the histories of its countries. But is the orchestra only capable of representing the West?

Since 2002, Asia Orchestra Week has conveyed the passion of Asia via a European tradition. In all, orchestras from 15 countries have been represented. This year, three different orchestras will take part in the event: The Xiamen Philharmonic Orchestra from China, the Presidential Symphony Orchestra from Turkey and the Gwangju Symphony Orchestra from South Korea.

The event is a chance for people of all ages to discover their neighbors' traditions.

Asia Orchestra Week 2010 will be held at Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall: Takemitsu Memorial Oct. 2-4. Tickets cost ¥1,000-3,000 for each day. For more information, call (03) 5610-7275 or visit www.orchestra.or.jp