It's probably easy to make a complete hash out of something like "Loft" — five men share a loft purely for the purpose of enjoying their mistresses until one evening the bloodied, nude body of a young woman is left on the bed, her wrist handcuffed to a bedpost.

One by one the chums turn up with their keys grinning with expectation for the night and . . . holy cow! What's that?! You almost expect Michael Douglas to come striding in, and surely Sharon Stone can't be very far from the premises. The whole thing is heavily coated with 1990s patina, undercut with the smell of money, kinky sex and urban real estate. All entertaining yes, but ultimately wearing. Late 20th century cinema had been there and done that, more or less to death. So what else is new?

Belgian filmmaker Erik Van Looy turns a ubiquitous formula into a tantalizing concoction resembling fine old scotch, served from a designer tumbler.