Tokyo's vast facade of concrete and steel is a long way from the dusty, tree-lined streets of Phnom Penh. The distance is obvious to anyone who has experienced both cities, but it seems particularly clear to two young Cambodian artists who are now participating in an artist-in-residence program at Tokyo Wonder Site (TWS) in Aoyama.

Phe Sophon and Peou Sam-an are young — 27 and 23 respectively — and bursting with enthusiasm. In the two months they have spent in Tokyo so far (they return to Phnom Penh at the end of August), they have each completed large sculptural pieces. Phe's is a giant buoy-like object made of artfully sculpted food and drink containers collected here and in his home city. Peou's is an elegant tree made of wire that has chicken eggs where a normal tree might have fruit.

But, talking to them in front of their artworks late last month, it was clear that each is devoting their attention while in Tokyo to much more than art.