The new lay judge system starts on May 21, so it's not surprising that somebody decided to make a two-hour suspense drama to mark the occasion. However, the subtitle of "Hotei Suspense" ("Trial Suspense"; TBS, Mon., 9 p.m.) sounds like this might not be the best way to promote the new system: "Do you think you can sentence a man to death?" Come to think of it, if you can't, then you're probably disqualified.

The case on trial involves the murder of an elderly senile woman. The person who discovered the body was the woman's son, Makita (Masahiko Nishimura). However, the police suspect the murder was committed by a homeless man named Mitajiri (Takashi Sasano), and they arrest him.

One of the lay judges is a boutique owner, Minako (Nene Otsuka), who has a strange feeling about Makita because she is having problems with her own senile mother. Come to think of it again, wouldn't such a circumstance disqualify her from this particular case?