Formed in the early 1990s, Tokyo's Envy have seen their international fan base steadily expand since 2001's "All the Footprints You've Ever Left and the Fear Expecting Ahead." 2008 has proved to be no exception, with the quintet showcasing their intense hybrid of postrock and screamo to enthusiastic audiences throughout Asia and Europe.

Their visit to the latter included a high-profile appearance at the hipster-approved All Tomorrow's Parties music festival. Curated in England by U.S. postrockers Explosions in the Sky, the May event slotted Tokyo's Envy alongside the likes of melodic avant-garde rockers Battles and psych-poppers Animal Collective.

The group's affiliation with Scottish act Mogwai has made the U.K. a more receptive place. The heralded Scots issued Envy's last three full-lengths and 2007's "Abyssal" E.P. through their Rock Action Records imprint. They also invited vocalist Tetsuya Fukagawa to guest on their 2006 disc, "Mr. Beast."