CURING JAPAN'S AMERICA ADDICTION by Minoru Morita, Chin Music Press, Seattle, 2008, 224 pp., $15 (paper)

Minoru Morita is one of Japan's most prominent and respected political analysts. And he's mad as hell at what he believes are the social and economic crimes committed by former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi and U.S. President George W. Bush against the Japanese people since 2001.

Morita's list of complaints ranges from Koizumi's economic revolution, which, he asserts, was manipulated by the Bush administration, to U.S. pressure on Japan to change it's Constitution in accordance with America's "global war strategy."

Angered by the 2005 agreement to realign U.S. bases in Japan, Morita became an activist and worked to get former Iwakuni Mayor Katsusuke Ihara, who opposed the agreement, re-elected this past February. Ihara was narrowly defeated by pro-base candidate Yoshihiko Fukuda.