April 10 will mark the 50th wedding anniversary of the Emperor and Empress, and TV Asahi will preview the milestone this week with a two-part overview of the life of the Empress, "Michiko-sama no Hanseiki (Michiko's Half-century)" (Monday and Tuesday, 7 p.m.)

The special will purportedly offer information and images never before offered on television. Part One will focus on the Crown Prince Akihito's proposal. Michiko did not accept his offer right away, and embarked on a 50-day tour of Europe and the United States. People who were close to her at the time, as well as journalists covering the Imperial beat, comment on what they believe was going on in her mind.

Part Two is about the wedding, and provides a backstage look at what in Japan is called "the event of the century." Current observers of the Imperial family comment on the changes that Michiko underwent as she evolved from commoner to royalty.