Some film reviewers seem to have the idea that their job involves simply telling you the film's story. They'll walk you through the first act, the second act and often well into the third act, stopping just short of ruining the ending for you. But really, haven't they already spoiled the beginning and the middle? And is knowing that much of the plot necessary in deciding whether or not to see the film?

This critic says no, non, nyet, chigau! When I think of movies that have really blown me away, nine times out of 10 I walked in knowing nothing about them. Just imagine watching "Psycho" and knowing that Janet Leigh isn't going to live past the first reel! Or "The Truman Show" if you knew that wasn't the "real world" from the get-go.

So what to say about "Vacancy" (Japan title: "Motel"), the astounding new thriller by director Nimrod Antal? I could tell you it's the first time I've been frightened in the cinema — I mean, heart-pounding, jump-out-of-my-seat frightened — in longer than I can remember. I can tell you that it does all this without ever resorting to the cheap shocks and nauseating gore of recent fright-flicks such as "Saw" or "Hostel." But damned if I'm gonna tell you what happens in this movie.