You have your choice of two archaeological specials on Monday. Starting at 7 p.m., Nihon TV will air a 4-hour program, "Konya Rekishi ga Kawaru (Tonight History Changes)," which will look at "three great mysteries" of Ancient Egypt and some recent discoveries that may help clear them up.

Over on TBS starting at 9 p.m. is "Kodai Bunmei Mystery (Mystery of Ancient Civilizations)," which looks into new discoveries in South America, specifically in relation to the Inca civilization of the Andes Mountains. Actor Ryuhei Matsuda reports on how Europe's quest for gold in the region changed the direction of human history. To the Incas, gold was a sacred decoration used for religious rituals, while for the Europeans it was a symbol of wealth. When these two civilizations met, it was inevitable that one would fall.

D ocumentaries about big families are always guaranteed ratings winners, and Tuesday's "Tsukai! Big Daddy (What a Thrill! Big Daddy)" (TV Asahi, 7 p.m.) is bound to be a big draw. The report follows a divorced man who, in the summer of 2006, brought his four sons and four daughters to the island of Amami Oshima in Kagoshima Prefecture. Previously, he lived in Iwate, but it was always his dream to live on a southern island and be self-sufficient. The family is now settled, but, this summer, the man's ex-wife showed up with her three children from a subsequent marriage that recently ended. She tells her ex-husband that she wants to get back together with him and live with all 11 of her children. The man must make a decision.