One of the most popular series on NHK is "Tsurube no Kazoku ni Kampai (Tsurube Toasts Families)" (NHK-G, Monday, 7:30 p.m.), in which sandpaper-voiced rakugoka (comic storyteller) Tsurube Shofukutei and a guest visit a town or village and casually strike up conversations with people on the street with the aim of being invited back to their homes to meet their families.

For the first time, Tsurube will take his traveling show overseas, specifically to the South Korean island of Jeju. Tsurube's guest is Korean singer-actress Yun Son Ha, who for the last decade has developed a successful career as a TV personality in Japan.

Tsurube is famous for his happy-go-lucky attitude, but he was quite intimidated by this trip and reportedly couldn't sleep the night before departure. Without much preparation and no Korean language ability, he meets Yun at Jeju's airport and, separately, they try to converse with people they meet at random. The reaction is quite unexpected.