In a country with no shortage of sexual fetishes, any group whose name translates into "playful sex" in English is bound to go over well in Japan. While Asobi Seksu's vocalist/ keyboardist Yuki Chikudate and her male cohorts are likely no strangers to praise from lustful showgoers longing to gain carnal knowledge of precisely how playful they are, the love they've received from the music industry has been more fulfilling.

Conceived by guitarist James Hanna and Chikudate in 2001, the New York-based quartet debuted with a self-titled disc in 2004. Last year's brilliant "Citrus" served as a breakout of sorts, garnering accolades from music rags across the globe and creating an international audience for the band's ethereal dream-pop, in which Chikudate's wispy vocals (in both English and Japanese) float above walls of swirling guitar noise. Born in Japan, she was raised in the U.S. from the age of 2. She'll get the chance to introduce her bandmates to Japan's many wonders during Asobi Seksu's Tokyo gigs this weekend in support of the recent domestic release of "Citrus" by Tokyo imprint Get Me? Records. Maybe they'll even get a crash course in the latest Japanese pick-up lines while they're here.

Asobi Seksu perform with shoegazers Luminous Orange and indie-rockers Cruyff in the Bedroom as part of promoter On The One's monthly Indies Playground series, which pairs overseas up-and-comers with homegrown talent.

Asobi Seksu plays July 13, 7 p.m. at Shibuya O-Nest, Tokyo; July 14, 7 p.m. at Shibuya Chelsea Hotel. Both shows 3,000 yen (tel. [03] 3271-3185;