The strong-willed wife is an archetype in almost every culture and it gets the comedy treatment in Fuji TV's series "Oni Yome Nikki (Diary of a Demon Bride)" (Tuesday, 10 p.m.), which is based on a popular manga. Arisa Kanzuki plays the title character, Sanae, whose lazy and negligent husband, Kazuma (Gori), runs the public bath that his family owns in the building where they live.

Sanae believes that Kazuma takes her for granted. One day, a young man named Tanabe admires her outfit, and when she tells Kazuma this in order to get some kind of jealous rise out of him, he acts as if he doesn't care. So Sanae makes a date with Tanabe, making sure that Kazuma finds out. They quarrel, and while she goes on her date, he retires to a bar to sulk.

One of Nihon TV's most popular shows of the last decade was "Dotchi no Ryori (Which Dish?)," where a group of celebrities had to choose which of two mouth-watering meals they would prefer to eat.