Similar to like-minded artists such as Mogwai or Japanese label mates Mono, Texas quartet Explosions In The Sky create lush instrumental music brimming with waves of gorgeous guitar noise. "All Of A Sudden I Miss Everyone," their fourth album, is an emotionally gripping listen that will greatly appeal to fans of cinematic post-rock.

Continuing to rely heavily on the quiet-loud dynamic employed in the past, EITS slightly diversify their sound by experimenting with song length and instrumentation. Eight-minute long opener "The Birth and Death of the Day" explodes with a series of ringing, distorted guitar notes that morph into a slowly building, melodic wall of sound before reaching a crushing climax. The shorter "What Do You Go Home To?" is a softer affair, but its cascading piano chords are one of the album's most memorable moments.

If "All Of A Sudden" has one fault, it is that tracks tend to blur into one another, making it difficult to distinguish between the songs. However, the focus of this musical style is on complete albums as opposed to singles, and in that regard the pieces work well together at forming a seamless soundtrack.