Thonggrrrl, 14, could just be the girl of Lensman's dreams. She's sexy, she's witty, she's currently reading the autobiography of Jean Seberg and making all kinds of intelligent comments. And she's all of 14 years old.

Lensman is a 32-year-old photographer who met her in a teenage chat room and after exchanging semisexual but laced-with-cultural-references online quips, decides to take the relationship into the "RW (Real World)" -- a sojourn in a downtown cafe. They talk and Thonggrrrl invites herself back to Lensman's (he's already more than a little giddy and enthralled) apartment. In the car park, he bends down to kiss her feet, a gesture that both underscores his creepiness and her supreme status as the desired one.

The initial scenes to U.K. indies director David Slade's brilliant "Hard Candy" is slick with stylishness and sticky with mega-sleaze suggestiveness. And judging from the expression on Lensman's face, the RW is panning out just fine.