Fuji TV usually has a lock on the Monday 9 p.m. time slot with whatever drama it decides to plug into it, and this summer seems no exception. SMAP heartthrob Takuya Kimura returns in "Hero" as prosecutor Kohei Kuryu, a role he first played in the series of the same name that ran in 2001.

Kuryu isn't your typical prosecutor. He was a bad apple in junior high school but eventually passed a high school equivalency test and later the bar exam. However, what really separates him from his ilk is his funky fashion sense and long brown hair.

In the second episode that airs this week, Kuryu has been transferred to Nijigaura, a small town in Yamaguchi Prefecture that hasn't seen a major crime in 11 years. However, right after he arrives a murder is committed, and the main suspect is a respected local businessman. Everyone in town thinks he's innocent except Kuryu, whose unorthodox investigation methods perplex not only the townspeople, but his colleagues as well.