Solstice Music Festival 2006: July 15-17

Solstice Music presents Solstice Music Festival 2006 at the Myoko Suginohara ski resort in Niigata Prefecture. Advance tickets are on sale for 13,500 yen (or 15,000 yen at the gate.) Parking charges vary: a vehicle with four people inside pays 2,000 yen, while one with three pays 3,000 yen, or 4,000 yen for two people. Those under age 20 will not be admitted (photo ID required).

If this sounds like the same ski resort where "Spun Field 2006" was held just four weekends ago, it's because it is the same. I know, it's practically unheard of for open-air events of this size to return to the same place in the same season. And there are a lot of reasons why, mostly bad. But this is yet another sign of how our scene is maturing. By conducting a scaled-down dress rehearsal, Solstice was able to identify and rectify dozens of potential problems for their annual showcase event.