Kitai Kikaku, Ningyacho
Closes in 8 days

What is the role of the artist as creator in a material world already so full of unnecessary things? Ivo Sans, a Catalan artist and jazz musician living in Brussels, avoids adding to the mess by making his drawings, assemblages and sculptural works almost entirely out of found objects -- predominantly made of wood -- that he has taken out of their original context and given a new life as art works.

The delicate scraps of paper, broken twigs and slender branches which feature in his work are ethereal, and while they recall a number of western influences -- Joseph Beuys, Antoni Tapies and Robert Motherwell -- they are in tune with Japanese aesthetics. The Gallery Kitai ( primarily exhibits contemporary calligraphy artists whose work breaks with convention, so it is apt that Sans' first exhibition in Japan should be here: The thin, twisting branches of his sculptures look like brush strokes drawn in the air.

The starting point for this body of work came when he dreamed of a book intertwined with the branches of a tree. Unable to recreate this as a three-dimensional work, he has instead filled a sketchbook with intricate drawings of a sculpture that will never be; it is a visual diary documenting the lyricism of the unattainable.