Prevention is said to be as important to medical care as treatment, but often it's difficult to know how effective certain preventive measures are. This week on TV Tokyo's medical variety show, "Shujii ga Mitsukaru Shinryojo (The Clinic Where You'll Find a Family Doctor)" on Monday at 8 p.m., the guest is veteran TV personality Kyosen Ohashi, who is famously careful about his health.

Several years ago, it was discovered that Ohashi had stomach cancer and he underwent surgery. Since, he has always been strict about his diet and has thorough check-ups every year. He wonders how he could have developed cancer and why it wasn't caught earlier. He has heard about a form of bacteria called pylori that is believed to cause stomach cancer, one of the leading causes of death for Japanese people. Ohashi received treatment twice to rid himself of the bacteria, but it wasn't completely successful. A doctor explains why.

The movie version of Dan Brown's best-selling thriller, "The Da Vinci Code," opens in Japan on May 20. Before then, the media will be saturated with promotions for the movie as well as side events that will attempt to cash in.