Many of the topical words that dominated the media this year described certain kinds of women, like makeinu ("loser dogs" -- a term for unmarried women past 30 -- and cerebu, women who, for some reason or another, are loaded. TBS's guess-the-price quiz show "Sekai Baribari Value (World's Exciting Values)" features an occasional segment that looks at the lives of the rich-and-female.

On Wednesday at 9 p.m., there will be a special two-hour version of "Sekai Baribari Value" featuring only ojo-sama, meaning women who still live at home with their rich parents. Many of these women have already been profiled on the show and are making return visits, all with their beaming parents. The guests will discuss their upbringings and their "gorgeous lifestyles," as well as what made their fathers such rich guys in the first place.

As a kind of antidote to "Sekai Baribari Value," Asahi will expand its hit variety show "Ikinari! Ogon Densetsu (Suddenly! The Legend of Gold)" to four hours for a special program Thursday night starting at 7 p.m. The most popular feature of the show is a segment where show business personalities compete with one another to see who can live on less money during a given period of time. The main appeal of the segment is in the money-saving recipes that the celebrities come up with.