The new Fuji TV series, "At-home Dad" (Tuesday, 10 p.m.), takes the usual housewife drama and reverses the genders to comic effect. Kazuyuki (Hiroshi Abe), a 37-year-old account executive at a leading advertising firm, is a victim of downsizing, thus forcing his wife to go out and work full-time.

Kazuyuki is now the homemaker, and, predictably, a rather clumsy one. His first day on the job was a disaster, despite the fact that his wife, Miki (Ryoko Shinohara), left him detailed instructions.

In this week's episode, Kazuyuki, who was very careful about his appearance when he was a salaryman, has turned slobbish. His neighbor, Yusuke, who has been a house-husband for some time, warns him he better pull himself together or his wife will stray. Kazuyuki acts as if he doesn't care. That night, however, Miki works late and is driven home by a male colleague. Her late arrival is observed by the busybody neighbor, who starts spreading rumors.