MONASTIC DISCIPLINE: Vinaya and Orthodox Monasticism, an Attempt at Comparison, by George Sioris. Chiang Mai: The Knowledge Center, 375 pp., 495 baht (paper). LEFT VERSUS RIGHT, by George Sioris. Chiang Mai: The Knowledge Center, 150 pp., 195 baht (paper).

George Sioris, a Greek scholar on Asia and a commentator on Asian affairs, has added two new titles to his writings: The first, "Monastic Discipline," is a lengthy study aimed at establishing the similarities as well as the differences between two entirely different monastic systems -- the Theravada Buddhist and the Christian Orthodox.

The second is a short monograph on the significance of the "Left Versus Right" symbolic patterns in the Far East -- from India to Japan.

The Vinaya work seems to break new ground completely. Although there have been a few similar essays of a philological nature in the past that examined the worlds of Buddhist and Christian Catholic monastic discipline, no one until now apparently has attempted a comparison with Eastern Christian monasticism.