Tomoko, 18, from Yokohama, and Yui, 18, from Osaka

How was the show?

Tomoko: "Fantastic! We got here first so we were in the front row. I feel so much closer to the band after that experience. And Mick is so cool."

What's that rubber stick?

Yui: "Shawn threw it into the mosh pit and luckily I got it."

What are you going to do with it tonight?

Yui: "Ha ha ha. Take it to my bedroom . . . and just hang it on the wall."

Ayumi, 18, and Yuya, 19, from Tokyo

What was the best part of the show?

Ayumi: "When Chris came to the front of the stage. We were a meter away, but I could still smell him. It was bad, like sweat."

Who's your favorite member?

Yuya: "Joey, he's so sweet and gave me his autograph."

Where did you get your masks from?

Ayumi: "An artist friend made them for us specially."

Takako, 26, and Yoshiko, 22, from Chigasaki

How was it?

Yoshiko: "Tonight the mosh pit was very dangerous. The most crazy I've ever seen in Japan."

Takako: "It's her birthday today so I gave her the ticket as a present."

Yoshiko: "It's the best gift I've ever had."

Hifumi, 20, and Noboyuki, 19, from Wakayama

How did you discover Slipknot?

Hifumi: "I heard it in a store, and it made me deaf so now I must play it louder every time I listen to it. My mother is very angry."

Noboyuki: "I like the masks. And I like that they are a rude and dirty band."

Hifumi: "That's because he's a pervert. That's what his friend said, anyway."