Even though many jazz players in Japan do get a chance to record, it can sometimes be a challenge to find their CDs -- even in the biggest stores. With limited pressings and uneven distribution, last month's release from a popular live performer in Tokyo can be harder to find than an obscure 1950s hard bop re-release from Europe. Then there's the cost. Ranging from 2,300 yen to 3,000 yen, the price of Japanese jazz CDs don't exactly encourage impulse purchases.

On the other hand, there's the quality. With so many jazz musicians out playing every night of the year in clubs across the city, musicians know each other well and have their chops honed and ready for the studio. Sound quality is consistently excellent.

The following select releases from 2001 only begin to scratch the surface of what's available. They are personal favorites, not covered in past columns, that reflect the breadth and depth of the jazz scene in Tokyo and will fit easily into anyone's Christmas stocking. With a little digging around at new and used CD stores, you're bound to find most of these and who knows what else.