To celebrate the launch of "Bokujo Monogatari 3," a new Play Station game known in the U.S. as "Harvest Moon," Victor Interactive Software is offering 80 pairs of free tickets to a preview of "Dr. Dolittle 2."

In the "Bokujo Monogatari" series the player virtually experiences farm life. The latest version has a three-dimensional screen, and a system has been introduced to enable dog training.

In the new movie, Dr. Dolittle fights land developers who are tearing down the forests in which Dolittle's animal friends live.

To apply for the tickets, send your name, address, age, occupation, your companion's name and age on a postcard by July 12 to "Dr. Dolittle Preview (JT)," Canyon Plaza 10F, 23 Aizumi-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 160-0005. For further information, contact Victor Interactive Software Bokujo Monogatari 3 PR Office at (03) 3358-6758.