An exhibition of images, paintings and designs by Katsura Moshino is now showing at the Canon Wonder Museum in Makuhari in Chiba.

"Tama no Ue no Onna" ("A Woman on a Ball") by Katsura Moshino

At the start of his career, Moshino designed record covers for DJs and musicians, and his work attracted attention on the club scene. There, he was also popular for his painting performances, in which he would start and complete each work while one song was playing.

He was later asked to do illustrations for advertisements, and from the beginning of 1990 he held his own club parties, synchronizing his images and music.

In addition to the music world, he was also recognized in the fashion industry. In 1996, Vivayou, a popular brand among young Japanese women, asked Moshino to create a design for their campaign ads, while in 1998 he was chosen from 2,000 other artists to design the character for a Nike promotion.

The television industry is another field where he has been active. He has created and directed commercials for many multinational companies, including Nike, with his commercial ranking 14 out of 100 in an Internet popularity chart.

Although his name has become well known domestically and internationally, he still designs flyers for clubs and gives painting performances.

The Makuhari exhibition includes 20 of his large-scale paintings along with CD covers and other works introducing the history of his career.