An exhibition by Dutch photographer Jacqueline Hassink will open Thursday at Galerie Deux in Tokyo's Meguro Ward.

"Queen Bees, Ms. Carolyn L. Murphy" (1996), a set of photographs that show the boardroom of a female executive and the living room of her home, by Jacqueline Hassink

Hassink, who is based in New York, has photographed the boardrooms of European and American multinationals since 1993. Her previous exhibitions, "The Table of Power" and "Banks," looked at how corporate culture, embodied in the style of a company's boardroom, affects those who run the company. For the current show, "Queen Bees," Hassink has photographed the boardrooms of 15 companies with female executives and these women's homes.

A close observation of the public and private spaces of female executives in a male-dominated society, the exhibition aims to show not only the relation between society and the individual, but also the complex structure of modern society, one built by both men and women. Also on display will be the new "Mindscapes" series, a sequel to "Queen Bees," which depicts the work spaces of CEOs, such as offices, meeting rooms and lobbies.