Untitled works by Lubomir Silar (above) and Leen Quist (below)

The current exhibition at Gallery Yufuku in Tokyo's Aoyama district, "Exhibition of European Ceramic Art 2001," honors the memory of ceramic expert Marie-Therese Coulley.

Longtime secretary general of the International Academy of Ceramics and recipient of a Japanese government award for promoting cultural exchange between Japan and Switzerland, Coully worked as curator at Geneva's Ariana Museum, which specializes in the art of ceramics.

Before she passed away last October, Coulley and her friend Jeannine Lyon selected for exhibition 10 diverse ceramic artists from 10 different countries; works by these artists comprise the current Gallery Yufuku show.

Featured artists include Sara-Jane Selwood (Britain), Mieke Everaet (Belgium), Margitta Hildebrand (Germany), Maria Boffil (Spain), Monique Duplain (Switzerland), Lubomir Silar (Czech Republic), Leen Quist (the Netherlands), Catherine Vanier (France), Guido de Zan (Italy) and Malene Mullertz (Denmark).