NEW SHANGHAI: The Rocky Rebirth of China's Legendary City, by Pamela Yatsko. Wiley, 2001, 298 pp., 2,300 yen (paper).

Few doubt that Shanghai is the nerve center of China's second "Great Leap Forward." This metropolis -- long considered the most cosmopolitan of all Asian cities -- is the cornerstone of high-tech, financial and manufacturing activities in China. It is also a magnet for Chinese creativity, a Mecca where genuine communication among scholars, businessmen, and journalists takes place in relative freedom.

Pamela Yatsko arrived in Shanghai six years ago as a correspondent with the Far Eastern Economic Review. She spoke Mandarin and was able to use an academic background to maneuver through the many worlds that function at the same time: worlds of big financial deals, high hopes and even illegal drug deals.

The book is more than a story of one city. Its anecdotes and interviews capture the face of the world's most populous country.