Japan Times readers will be given 30 pair tickets to the NEC Super Tower Special Concert to be held Feb. 22 at Tokyo's Sumida Triphony Hall to commemorate the 250th anniversary of Bach's death.

Featuring the New Japan Philharmonic conducted by Gerhard Bosse, the concert will start at 7 p.m. and the program will include Passacaglia in C min. BMV.582, Brandenburg Concerto in No.5 D maj. BWV.1050 and Overture No.3 in D maj. BWV. 1068.

To apply for the tickets, write your name, address and telephone number on a reply paid postcard and send it by Jan. 31 to "NEC Super Tower Concert (JT)," NEC Social Contributions Department, 5-7-1, Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-8001. For more information, call (03) 3798-9555.