GOVERNANCE IN POST-CRISIS ASIA. Asia Pacific Agenda Project, APAP Singapore Forum, 1998. Japan Center for International Exchange: Tokyo, JCIE Papers, 32, 35 pp. VALUES AND IDENTITY. Asia Pacific Agenda Project, APAP Yokohama Forum, 1998. Japan Center for International Exchange: Tokyo, JCIE Papers, 32, 44 pp.

Asia is still grappling with the effects of the 1997 crisis. Fundamental questions about values and identity have been raised. Those issues also have an impact on governance, both political and economic.

The Asia Pacific Agenda Project has convened a series of annual forums to address these issues. The Japan Center for International Exchange has published reports from the first two meetings. The third was held in Okinawa this spring.

Given the importance of the topic, the discussions deserve a wide audience. Copies are available from JCIE,