A soft blowup globe projected on a small TV screen, which spins on an axis inside three aluminium rings, and seven 15-cm plastic satellites perched on a white table can be seen at Gallery Side 2, in two exhibits by England's Steven Pippin and Japan's Taro Shinoda.

Their work appears to have much in common with extraterrestrial themes -- Pippin's work is directed inward, a pensive look from space at the orbiting Earth squashed up inside a television screen, while Shinoda's is directed outward, with table-bound satellites pointing hopefully toward the sky.

"Our works appear similar on the surface, but in fact they are 180 degrees different," Shinoda said. "My project is like an old bedtime story my grandfather told me when I was a child, about Bon. It's totally personal, whereas Steven's project is more socialistic, concerned with social and environmental issues."