MOTORCYCLE VAGABONDING IN JAPAN, by Guy De La Rupelle, contributions by Owen Stinger. North Conway, New Hampshire, U.S.: Whitehorse Press, 1999; 255 pp., $19.95.

With city centers in permanent gridlock and the availability of train and bus service decreasing in direct proportion to the distance from urban areas, one of the best ways to see Japan is on two wheels. It's relatively easy to get a motorcycle license; you don't need a special parking permit, and operating costs compare favorably to train fares.

Best of all, you become master of your own destiny. No more waiting for the bus or train, and any destination is within reach, no matter how far off the beaten path. You also make a lot of great friends.

Sweeping down unknown roads and being suddenly bathed in unanticipated beauty is part of what makes motorcycling utterly addictive, but getting started in your explorations can be a bit intimidating in a foreign land. That's where "Motorcycle Vagabonding in Japan" comes in.