Basilio, boasting a beautiful brindle coat, was rescued from a hoarder’s home in Gunma and came to ARK through the animal welfare network. His gorgeous dappled coat is a sure sign that he is in large part a Kai Ken, one of the six native Japanese breeds.

These dogs were traditionally used for hunting wild boar, and some still play this role. The ardors of such training were most likely what lay ahead for the young Basilio. He’s still quite fearful of strangers. He’ll bark at first, but with time he’ll warm to you and never want to leave your side.

Still fearful of people at first encounter, Basilio has learned to relax by spending time at the dog run.
Still fearful of people at first encounter, Basilio has learned to relax by spending time at the dog run. | Kana Matsutani

Basilio currently shares a pen with his best friend. They’re inseparable, and watching them play together in the dog run is a joy. Their friendship has helped them both believe there are kind people in this world. A little patience will go a long way with this fellow, who’s brimming with courage and standing on the edge of a brave new world.

If you are interested in adopting, email ARK at [email protected] or call 050-1557-2763 (English or Japanese) Monday to Saturday (bilingual) for more information. Animal Refuge Kansai (with offices in Kansai and Tokyo) is an NPO founded by U.K. native Elizabeth Oliver. It is dedicated to rescuing and rehoming abandoned animals. All animals are vaccinated, neutered and microchipped. Prospective owners are required to undergo a screening process. Web: