Saffron came to ARK in the spring of 2024, his life a miracle in itself. He’d been found languishing without food or water after his owner passed away, leaving a home in total disarray. The first thing Saffron did upon arriving at ARK was drink huge amounts of water. It’s no exaggeration to say he was rescued in the knick of time.
After surviving these tough and lonely circumstances, Saffron was understandably wary of getting close to people. But with time, patience and care, his heart is opening up again and he has the makings of a loyal and steadfast companion.
Tantalizing tidbits can lure Saffron out from hiding. He has also gotten comfortable with gentle brushing and returns the favor with affectionate rubs. All this gorgeous fellow needs now is someone to scoop him up, hold him tight and make him feel safe again.
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