Choco is new to the world, about 3 months new. And, incredible though it may seem, he was already spotted by a scout who knew talent the moment he saw it.

Choco was one of the few kittens rescued by a baseball coach from among tens of others still roaming the school grounds in desperate need of support. But Choco is safe. And, he is a natural athlete.

Though rather shy, when he thinks no one is watching, he will run like crazy, climb to dizzying heights and leap tall objects in a single bound! His reflexes are amazing. His coordination, however, still needs work. The inside scoop says Choco still “tends to fall off things a lot or knock them over.” But a little time and practice will surely hone his skills.

Choco loves older cats and looks up to the big guys with dreams that, one day, he too will be playing with the pros. And we know that, with the right person in his life, this little ace will be a superstar. Choco is already a winner!


If you are interested in adopting Choco, email ARK at [email protected] or call 050-1557-2763 Monday to Saturday (bilingual) for more information. Tokyo ARK is an NPO founded by Briton Elizabeth Oliver. It is dedicated to rescuing and rehoming abandoned animals. All animals are vaccinated, neutered and microchipped. Prospective owners are requested to undergo a screening process. Web: