Botamochi came to ARK only a few months ago, after his owner unfortunately had to be hospitalized. The 9-year-old handsomely marked male is taking the upheaval in stride.

The change has got to be stressful for him, but he’s doing a good job handling it and is making friends easily. Why? Because Bota is a cat with class.

He’s considerate of other cats and will even tolerate a dog, and that may be because Bota is a pretty big cat, tipping the scales at a hefty 6 kilograms. His background is not well-known, but he has no sight in his left eye, which he most likely lost to a bad cold when he was a kitten.

However, this cat has no trouble finding his dinner bowl, and his weight doesn’t keep him from moving quickly. When the toys come out, he’ll give you quite a show.

Botamochi is a solid and grounded cat. The staff at ARK say, “He doesn’t mess around.” He’s straightforward and honest. If he wants affection, he’ll let you know. A mature cat, no pretense, no fluff — Bota doesn’t waste time being shy and neither should you. Come get this guy, Bota is a real catch.

If you are interested in adopting Botamochi, email ARK at [email protected] or call 050-1557-2763 Monday to Saturday (bilingual) for more information. Tokyo ARK is an NPO founded by Briton Elizabeth Oliver. It is dedicated to rescuing and rehoming abandoned animals. All animals are vaccinated, neutered and microchipped. Prospective owners are requested to undergo a screening process. Web: