After a close call with the pound, years of neglect and abandonment once again, the toy poodle Manto, first featured here last October, has finally found stability and care in the Tokyo home of the Purbo family. "We fell in love at first sight," says Novita Purbo, pictured here center holding Manto with her son, Sidra (holding their other adopted dog Fuwawa) and her husband, Mamad.

Despite the instant attraction, the family decided on a trial adoption at first to see if their "aloof and grumpy" Fuwawa would get along with the newcomer. And, thanks to Manto's "chill personality," the formal adoption took place only a month later. "Manto doesn't care about all Fuwawa's grumpy antics," says Novita, "and in time she seemed to get used to him and now they just ignore each other. On rare days, however, they sleep side by side!"

Both being older dogs, "their main activity is sleeping all day on the couch." And though "chill" Manto was a bit wary and tense in the beginning, "He's getting more relaxed and happier and always wants to be close to us," says Novita. "Manto has became very attached to me and always wants to have a part of his body touching me. He will sit on my lap, step on my feet, or put his paw on my lap. It is so cute and such a big difference from Fuwawa, who doesn't like to cuddle much."