Parasol, a Japanese Chin mix, was first featured here in August of last year, when she was searching for a home. She has now found one with the Matsumotos of Tokyo. Pictured here from right is Tatsuya Matsumoto with Parasol (now rechristened Chipie) and his wife, Yasuko, with their other dog, Pulver, who had been key to the dog the couple chose. "Our main concern was whether or not the dogs would like each other. Pulver doesn't like bigger dogs or very forward ones so we wanted a small, calm dog," explains Tatsuya. Little Chipie fit the bill to a tee, and from the get-go Chipie and Pulver hit it off. "Now the two get really carried away when they play, and they do make a lot of noise. They are adorable to watch." One concern, however, is Chipie's epilepsy. "She has medication that will keep her well but she will be on it for the rest of her life. It is a worry, but she is bright and happy," says Tatsuya. "I hope we will get to spend a long time together with her. We really love her."

ARK has many more cats and dogs available for adoption. Email ARK at [email protected] or call 050-1557-2763 Monday to Saturday (bilingual) for more info. Tokyo ARK is an NPO founded by Briton Elizabeth Oliver. It is dedicated to rescuing and rehoming abandoned animals. All animals are vaccinated, neutered and microchipped. Prospective owners are requested to undergo a screening process. Web: