It takes a special person to reach out and help a homeless animal — to love, cherish and commit to being a family. Like children, some animals make it easy to love them, some make it hard, and some will always need a bit more attention. Sencha is one such kitten. Found huddled in terror by the side of the road, the blind kitten escaped certain death when he was rescued and brought to ARK. There he has found a best mate in Tencha, who was also found alone, starving, and with conjunctivitis in both eyes. Tencha's eyes have healed and the kittens, believed both born in May, have formed close bonds. They make a confident, affectionate, charming, fun team. Sencha will bat at toys even though he can't see them and Tencha will play along, then flop over in a coquettish belly-up when he sees you. Sencha has no problem finding food and the litter box, but he does need a safe environment and the soothing presence of family. His favorite place is curled up in your lap. Cozy, warm, safe and secure, it's surely how Mama once felt. These boys need a new mama, and perhaps a papa too.

If you are interested in adopting Sencha and Tencha, email ARK at [email protected] or call 050-1557-2763 Monday to Saturday (bilingual) for more information. Tokyo ARK is an NPO founded by Briton Elizabeth Oliver. It is dedicated to rescuing and rehoming abandoned animals. All animals are vaccinated, neutered and microchipped. Prospective owners are requested to undergo a screening process.