Ashin Htarwara
As everyone knows, this is a sham election. It's controlled by the military government, so nobody — no Burmese in any country — recognizes this election.

Min Aung Khine
No matter how many people (the junta) kills, we can't do anything against them. The people of Burma are not really able to do anything for their country. That's why I'm completely against this election.

Thaung Myint Oo
Secretary, National League for Democracy Japan Branch
The NLD are boycotting this poll. If the junta would discuss with the NLD and ethnic minorities about revising the 2008 constitution democratically, and everyone accepted it, there could be real change.

Myint Swe
Union rep
According to the 2008 constitution, the junta has the right to control the election, so we are opposed to it. We don't approve of the election and most of the people in Burma don't approve either.

Mai Kyaw Oo
National Democratic Front rep
The ethnic minorities won't get anything from this election. They hope it will not happen, because there is no chance for minorities to participate. Almost all of the minorities are fighting this election.

Zaw Htoo Aung
It's just a fake election. I know this well, because we can see everything the military junta is doing over there in Burma. They are just taking off their uniforms and putting on civilian clothes.