Daniel Lynch
Marketing, 23
I'd like to be sent some Clive Barker novels because I'd really need to read something, and his books are imaginative, so they would keep my mind off things.

Keiko Abe
Insurance, 41
I'd want something that kept me from going berserk down there. A karaoke machine may pass the time — we could all sing together.

Niall Lecoustre
Beer seminar teacher, 36
I'd like a crate of IPA (India Pale Ale) from the U.S. I used to think it was terrible but I discovered there are a lot of quality products from there and I'd like to try more.

Hiroko Yoshida
Bartender, 30
I'd really need to contact my family to let them know how I was, so some sort of mobile device would be great so that I could speak to them.

Darius Zade
Student, 26
I'd like to be sent a CD of Damian Marley. I love his music, and whenever I am stuck in a bad place, that's what I listen to.

Akinori Abe
Producer, 41
There would be so much time, so I think I would want something to pass the days — either a PlayStation Portable or a newspaper delivered every morning.