In the present economic downturn, you might feel you don't have much to look forward to financially. But I'm here to tell you — don't despair! You have a lot more money than you think you do. It's just a matter of finding it.

Here are a few tips on how to become a millionaire. Foreign exchange rate Many people are rushing to pick up some extra money in the foreign exchange market. With the strong yen right now, and the weak U.S. dollar, it may be tempting to take some of your hard earned cash and convert it into dollars to take advantage of the great exchange rate.

But the truth is, while the exchange rate may be at its best right now, you're still better off keeping the money you have. Why? Let's say you make ¥300,000 per month (a 6-digit monthly salary mind you), and you decide to change that entire sum into dollars at the current exchange rate of ¥84.52 to the dollar. That will yield $3,549. Now, why would you prefer to have 3,549 of something rather than 300,000 of it? Especially when it's exactly the same thing — money! Remember your basic elementary school mathematics: 300,000 will always be more than 3,549. Feeling richer yet?